Prospectus 2024
"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan

Digital University - Parent

Information Access for Parent

  • Link:
  • Login Process-Click on Parent on home page.
  • Type your ward’s Enrollment no. & Enter your password (12345)
  • Check your ward’s General Information (Ex- Personal Info, Department, Course, Class, Portfolio.)
  • Check your ward’s Class Time Table from Time Table panel.
  • Check your wards Lesson Plan & Credit Question Answer by clicking on Lesson Plan
  • Check your ward’s daily attendance regularly from Attendance panel.
  • Check your ward’s Subject study materials by clicking on Study Material Tab.
  • For Checking Communication Details of your ward’s Incoming & Outgoing Phone No.s Click on Link: (Communication Details) Enter your ward’s Enrollment no. & Enter your password (12345)
  • Link:
  • Login Process-Click on Parent Login on home page.
  • Type your ward’s Enrollment No. as Scholar No. & Enter 12345 as your password.
  • Check your ward’s Personal information through Home>>View Profile Ex- Address details, Parent Information Department, Course, Class.
  • Parents can view their ward’s Fine Status, Fee Details Gate Pass Record & Leave SMS details through Reports
  • Check Campus News, University Activity calendar, Exam Time Table, Training and Placement Activities & Notices through Downloads Panel
  • Exam Results can be viewed through Exam>> Reports>> Exam Marks Report.
  • Alerts for Fees, Library Book dues etc.